What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

There are two main vascular groups in our body: arteries and veins. Arteries distribute the blood cleaned in the heart to our body, while the veins carry the blood used in the body to the heart.
What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

There are two main vascular groups in our body: arteries and veins. Arteries distribute the blood cleaned in the heart to our body, while the veins carry the blood used in the body to the heart. There are valves on the ven ven ves that prevent blood from running back when transporting to the heart. The deterioration of these valves causes the blood to escape back as it is transported to the heart and the dirty blood accumulates in the vein. Dirty blood that flows through the vein causes the vessel to expand, i.e. structurally deteriorate. In this article, the symptoms due to varicose vein disease will be discussed.

As with any disease, early detection and treatment of varicose veins is important. Varicose veins are perceived as only a stretching problem in society, but before they are an aesthetic problem, varicose veins are a disease of the vein. And there are stages of the hein. It progresses without treatment and can reach dimensions that affect the patient's quality of life. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of varicose veins in the detection and treatment of the disease

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

The most common symptom of variin is pain in the legs. However, there may be no complaints of pain in the legs during the stage of the disease. In such cases, the disease can be detected by seeing other symptoms.

  • Pain in the legs
  • Itching
  • Color change in legs
  • Swelling and Edema
  • The veins become apparent from the skin
  • Bleeding
  • Leg ulcer

Leg Pain

The most common and initial pain of variin is the pain that occurs in the legs. As the varicose veins progress, the pain in the legs also relieves the severity.

Varicose vein-induced leg pains are usually pains that occur at the end of the day or after exerting effort. In addition, varicose vein pains are the pains that ease after resting with ele amplifiers under the legs. Varicose vein-induced pains can be distinguished in this way.

Itching in the Legs

Another symptom and complaint of variin is itching of the legs. The accumulating of dirty blood in the vein can cause complaints of itching in the legs

Color Change in Legs

With the progression of varicose veins, the expansion of the veins increases. This causes the veins to become fluffy and curvy from the skin. The veins that are fluffy from the skin are blueish and morphy in color. Varicose veins are both fluffy from the skin and cause discolor changes in the skin.

Swelling and Edema

Varicose veins are a disease that tends to progress unless treated. If it is not treated in the first stages, swelling and edema may occur in the legs over time.

In addition, pain complaints are increasing in untreated varicose veins. In the following stages, the severity of the pain can cause difficulty walking and reach the level that negatively affects daily life.


Bleeding is not a common complaint. However, it is a possible symptom in advanced varicose vein patients. Some bleedings do not need a doctor's intervention. However, in some bleeding, doctor intervention may be mandatory.

Leg Ulcer

The most challenging and dangerous symptom of the progression of variation is ulcers that occur in the legs. With the progression of the vari, blood circulation in the legs becomes difficult and even stops. Damage to the blood circulation can cause wounds called ulcers in the legs. The wounds can't heal on their own because clean blood can't reach the area. Even with the intervention of a doctor, there is a long and patient treatment process.

It is recommended that varicose vein patients be treated before the problem reaches this level. Otherwise, varicose vein problems that will be easily treated with non-surgical methods can turn into leg ulcers that are treated for a long time.

How to Tell The Future Heirs

Varicose veins are rated between 0-6 according to the universally accepted CEAP classification. (1) The following visual varicose veins are rated according to CEAP classification.

C0 states that there are no signs of variation in the legs.

C1 means that capillary fractures, which are called spider nets, have been detected.

C2 means that vascular enlargement in the veins, i.e. varicose veins, is detected. The heirs in stage C2 are small-sized heirs. At this stage, pain and cramping complaints can usually occur in the legs.

In addition to pain and cramps, C3 complains of edema in the legs. In addition, the heirs at this stage can be medium-sized or large-sized varicose veins.

If c3-grade varicose veins are not intervened, swelling of the legs and skin discoloration may occur in addition to payment. The later heirs take on a maavimsi and walumy color. They can also be seen prominently from the skin, becoming curvy.

If the large and skin-fluffy varicose veins in stage C4 are not treated, bleeding complaints may occur in the legs.

C6 is the latest and most challenging stage of the disease. Ulcer wounds occur in the legs at this stage. For treatment, both ulcers and varicose veins need to be treated in combination. Otherwise, if the varicose veins that cause ulcers are not treated, there is no complete treatment of ulcers.


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