He saved me from the trouble I was in by finishing varicose veins in one session.

Tek seansta varis oluşumlarını bitirerek beni içinde bulunduğum sıkıntıdan kurtardı.

In order to get rid of the discomfort and images caused by varicose veins accumulated in my left leg for a long time, no complete solution was produced in the examinations made by USG and doctors in my applications to hospitals. My treatment process continued by giving only compression stockings.

A while ago, I came to our very valuable teacher and was examined. Our teacher carried out my treatment process with a detailed and informative work from the first moment. He completed my treatment process with a sincere, friendly and relaxing method by informing the procedures to be done very clearly.

He saved me from the trouble I was in by finishing the laser application on my foot and varicose veins in a single session. I can say that my teacher's hand is very light and that he works by both chatting and relaxing during the operations.

I am glad I got to know you, I am glad you exist.


Md. Rengin TürkgülerMd. Rengin TURKGULERInterventional Radiologist
0532 385 31930532 385 3193