One of the most searched topics on Google is ""Will natural remedies cure my varicose veins?"" You may also be wondering how you can treat your varicose veins at home; however, you must first learn the basics of varicose veins to understand the basic problem.
Varicose veins are veins that appear enlarged, twisted or bulging and are most commonly seen in the legs. These veins may appear colorless and cause swelling or pain around the affected vein.
Varicose veins can be tender to the touch or make your legs feel heavy when you walk. Varicose veins are one of the most common symptoms of underlying vascular disease.
Varicose veins occur when the valves or walls in your leg veins break down. When these veins weaken, they have difficulty pushing blood back to your heart. As a result, blood begins to pool in your legs, which can cause spider veins, varicose veins and venous ulcers.
Poor circulation is when your extremities, such as your legs, do not receive the amount of blood and oxygen they need to be healthy. One of the main causes of poor circulation is venous insufficiency. If your legs are not successfully circulating blood in your lower extremities, it can cause symptoms such as these:
These causes of vein disease are often overlooked and thought of as part of getting older. Poor circulation and venous insufficiency are serious medical concerns that should be treated as soon as possible.
Untreated venous insufficiency can lead to life-threatening health risks such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS). Treating the cause of poor circulation reduces your risk of developing these two conditions.
Now that you know that varicose veins are caused by venous insufficiency, the answer is simple: No. Unfortunately, creams, lotions and essential oils do not correct defective vein valves. Since these topicals only moisturize the surface of the skin, they have no effect on the correction of varicose veins.
There are medical creams on the market that are applied to the surface of the skin to reduce swelling;
However, these are usually prescribed without correcting the underlying condition. Many of these prescription creams can help reduce itching as well as improve skin texture; however, if you do not correct the root of the problem, you will need to continue using the creams long-term.
Other creams prescribed after treatment can help reduce swelling, soothe the skin and improve superficial bruising. Once the damaged veins have been fixed, it is good to use lotions and creams that doctors use to help the healing process. These creams do not heal your varicose veins, they work to minimize inflammation after treatment.
Many prescription pills, lotions, creams and oils temporarily mask the painful symptoms associated with venous insufficiency. When the blood in your legs is allowed to pool, a support builds up in the veins that causes varicose veins to form.
Applying ointment can help with pain management; however, varicose veins treatment is necessary to solve the underlying problem. If left untreated, varicose veins will continue to reoccur over time.
During Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVLT) and ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, laser energy or sclerosing agents are used to close varicose veins. As these veins close, blood is naturally redirected to healthier, stronger veins. Once the blood flow is redirected, the damaged veins are reabsorbed in the body.
A very large proportion of varicose vein patients encounter varicose vein cream advertisements during their search for treatment after contracting this disease.
Unfortunately, the sellers of these creams, which claim to treat varicose veins, abuse varicose veins patients and steal their money and time. It is not possible to be treated with varicose veins cream.
Varicose veins occur as a result of enlargement of the diameter of the leg veins. Varicose veins are like a deformed hose. Varicose veins that have reached this state must either be removed by surgery or closed with non-surgical varicose vein treatment methods.
As such, it would be a big mistake to expect varicose veins to be treated with varicose cream.
Instead of using varicose veins cream, it is necessary to see a physician who treats varicose veins and to be examined for varicose veins by making an appointment with a radiology specialist. Who knows, maybe you may not have varicose veins and all your search may be a wrong effort. For this reason, it is of great benefit to consult specialists in varicose vein treatment.
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